Male has a black crown contrasting with a puffy white
face and throat with a blackish "thumbprint"
at the ear. Back and sides of neck, breasts spotted with
black. Tawny buff flanks and abdomen. Back, rump and tail
dark brown to black. upper tail covers
vermiculated with black. Upper wing surface
mostly dark brown to black. The secondaries form an
iridescent green speculum. Feet and bill are
bluish gray.
Males and females look very much alike, although
there is a slight difference in color variation.
Females have browner crowns and less contrasting
facial markings. A very small duck averaging only
12 to 14 inches in length
Breeds mostly during the summer. Courtship
involves the males swimming ahead of the
females and turning the back of the head. The male may also
drink and raise its head producing small
"burping" noises. Birds may wing-flap
and wing-stretch together. Pre copulatory behavior
consists of mutual head pumping. The nest is
of reeds or grass covered with dark down. The
female lays from 6 to 8 eggs and incubates for 24-27
days. Pair formation occurs annually.
General Comments
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Hottentot Teal Drake
Hottentot Teal Hen
Hottentot Teal Drake
Hottentot Teal Pairs
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